Posted 8th September 2015

Mitel converged solution for large design and print company

Micron completed a telephony overhaul for the SPS Group, a large print and design company based on the South coast of Dorset. The project was to replace a legacy Avaya system with a state-of-the-art Mitel solution for 120 users, which incorporated Mitel’s MyCollab unified communications platform.

We were able to offset a large proportion of the hardware and software costs by implementing a converged SIP and leased line solution which improved operating speeds and vastly reduced monthly charges to the business.

“This was a great project for Micron to work on as we have an extensive portfolio of corporate Mitel solutions throughout the UK,” explains Jonny White, Group Development Manager at Micron. “We were able to fight off stiff competition for this project and are very proud to be working with SPS Group for their converged voice and data requirements.”

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